English 123 HW 4/13

Jack MahoneyEnglish 123 1.Contradictory: Conspiracy theorists can simultaneously believe in ideas that are mutually contradictory. An example of this would be that Princess Diana was murdered but that she also faked her own death.2.Overriding Suspicion : This extreme degree of suspicion prevents belief in anything that doesn’t relate to the conspiracy directly. Nefarious Intent: The …

English HW 4/5

What is van Prooijen’s definition of “conspiracy theory”? [Right There] To what degree does van Prooijen’s definition match Merlan’s? [Text + You] The writer’s definition of “conspiracy theory” is the suspicion that a group of actors have joined together in a secret agreement to plan evil acts. (Paragraph 6). Although Merlan believes that conspiracy theories …

English HW Debate Paragraphs

Jack Mahoney English 123 Professor Drown 2/26/20 Every musician writes a piece of music with a purpose. Some songs have a story to be told or a message to be spread. Other songs have the ability to captivate the minds of thousands of people, while some have can only connect to certain people. Along with …
